Monday, May 31, 2010

The number is 1

And so begins my first blog. I am officially at least 10 years behind the times. This blog was started at the behest of my roommate who suggested that I share with the world my thoughts on all the things that I hate. I admit it, I hate a lot of things. It all started with a discussion of M. Night Shyamalan movies. SPOILER ALERT (but really the movie I'm going to mention is quite a few years old at this point). I forever lost respect for this director once I found out what the "twist" in this movie is: It takes place in the present day! WOW! Did he trick you or what? That's his deal, he just tries to trick you. I liked "The 6th Sense" but that was from before we know what his shtick was.
Currently I am aware that the Blackhawks are playing in the Stanley Cup finals. I do in fact hope that they win, only because they are a Chicago team and I live in Chicago. I don't care for hockey. Never have. It is just as absurd as any other sport (ie. let's chase around this oblong brown ball, let's chase around this even smaller white ball that someone else hit with a stick) hockey is let's chase around this tiny rubber thing on ice. I think that the fact hockey is on ice makes me not like it. That is for personal reasons as winter sports have never appealled to me. I am convinced that the first time I ever try skiing I will incur compound fractures in both of my legs. Also I tried ice skating once in my life and after I put one skate on the ice I thought that my ankle was going to snap and explode so I decided to never do that again.
Something that I don't hate that most people do hate. I don't hate doing laundry. Of the household domestic things that need to be done, laundry bothers me the least. Though I should explain that one reason it's easy for me is that the vast majority of my clothes are dark colors. The only white articles of clothing I own are white athletic socks. I don't mind if they get a little gray throughout their tour of duty. So I just pretty much throw all my clothes into the machine with a capful of detergent and just let the machine do exactly what it is designed to do. It is much more efficient at what it does than say, the dishwasher. I've never had a dishwasher that does what one would expect. As far as I can tell a dishwasher is an overglorified rinsing apparatus. I have used a number of dishwashers and not one of them has been able to even remove a speck of rice from a plate.
Ok, now there's a commercial with some type of lawyer walking around an alpaca farm for no discernable reason. Most commercials also annoy me. I get it, companies need to sell things and most mass media is designed for people who operate at a 6th grade level, but I'm not going to get your business oriented credit card because alpacas are cute (they are).
I also recently saw the "smoking 2 year old" video. What is wrong with people? Who looks at a child and says, "Hey, I really like that stick thing that's on fire that I suck on, I should give it to my baby, he'll probably like it too." This parent is also the kind of parent thatt wouldn't care if the kid was putting a paperclip into an electrical socket. Perhaps the parent should be the one smoking 40 cigarettes a day in the hope that they procure cancer more quickly.
And another thing that bothers me are smokers who complain about the laws that don't allow smoking in public places. I have even heard some smokers claim that it makes them feel like a persecuted minority. Such a sentiment is moronic at best and offensive towards people who are actually persecuted. Smokers are not persecuted because public health is being promoted. Smoking is not something someone is entitled to do. It's like someone complaining that they are being discriminated against because people are telling them that they have to drive on roads and follow speed limits. So smokers, grow up and take it outside.
It reminds me also of Evangelical Christian nut jobs that insist that Christians are being persecuted. 84% of Americans identify as some type of Christian. It is mathematically impossible for a majority to be persecuted.
Well I suppose that's enough for this evening. The Hawks are leading by one goal. I hope they win. But really I'm just biding my time until the Bears start up again.